Simple PC based attendance booking system is ideal for schools
A city council has launched a poster campaign aimed at cutting truancy further to help improve exam results. Research shows that missing just two per cent of lessons can cause a one-grade drop in GCSE results, so Southampton’s education chiefs want to drive home that it is vital for children’s prospects that they attend school. Unauthorised absence rates at the city’s secondary schools are more than double the national average, and officials want to send a clear message to parents.
Tensor can help improve attendance at school with a scaled-down model of our time and attendance networks. WinTA PC Clock is a simple PC based booking system ideal for schools that allows pupils to accurately record their own individual registering data. They are simply presented with an input screen on their PC allowing them to clock in and out. PC Clock's analysis module consists of a simpler version of Tensor's acclaimed WinTA Lite time and attendance software. Automatic and definable reports showing clockings can be viewed and printed by teachers.