T2002 stand alone two door access system is ideal for small sites
David Cameron defended himself during Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons when Labour Rhondda MP Chris Bryant accused him of breaking an election promise to protect frontline services. Bryant revealed the cuts affecting South Wales Police, but the Prime Minister said of the force’s loss of 600 staff: “Next year they have to find a 5% cut that will take them back – not to some figure of the 1980s – [but] to the spending they had in 2007-08.”
A Tensor Access System gives your company full control over who is allowed access through any controlled point at any time of any day. If you want the sophistication and speed of smart card control, but do not wish to use a PC, then the T2002 is for you. It is simple to programme and operate, easy to maintain, and has the capability of connecting with up to two Tensor T149x scanners to create a "stand alone" two-door system. The T2002 is ideal for remote barriers or small sites, and is perfect for a low profile security application.